Friday, July 27, 2012


What a busy week helping a client get ready to sell their house. I didn't take a lot of before and afters, due to sheer exhaustion but here is a before/after of the front flower bed...

Monday, July 23, 2012

My clutter!

I will fully admit to being in a state of constant work in progress as far as organizing for myself is concerned.... Finding the time is what most of us struggle with. I was able to find some time this week to organize some spaces and boy does it feel great! And of course, as always I took some before and afters!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

As the kids are off for the summer and I am busy doing fun things with them instead of helping people organize their homes I am taking the opportunity to organize my own house while I have the chance. Currently I am redesigning my home office, and as i haven't started yet here are some great ideas off of Pinterest that i am going to use as my inspiration!!  I will post when it is complete, with before and afters of course!!!

I saw this cute idea and i couldn't resist...I love it for a homework area space!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I love summer!

Had some great time off! We took the family up to a resort that I used to go to as a kid. There is nothing better than beautiful weather and lots of good food that I didn't have to cook! Wish I could stay there all summer! Best long weekend! Back to work now!